Deepcut Neighbourhood Forum
Deepcut Neighbourhood Forum

Priorities Survey Results

Residents’ rating of 10 priorities that arose during the Village Consultation from early this year and from previous consultations.

The draft Neighbourhood Plan will reflect residents’ priorities and their relative importance to one another.

Respondents’ Locations

Of those who answered this question, almost 65% were village residents and wider sharing of the survey via the MFGD Society & local Councillors resulted in a further 21% being from neighbouring Frimley Green, the remainder from Mytchett, Frimley  and Camberley. Just under 10% did not identify where they lived.


Additional Responses


Some 60 respondents added additional responses with the most frequent about traffic & transport issues; pollution, speed, volume of traffic and lack of public transport followed by the need for both a supermarket and healthcare facilities. The wish for future control of house building and protection of the green spaces also featured highly.


If you wish to be added to our database and receive information, please email your name & address to:

The Forum would be delighted to have more residents or volunteer consultants join to help with consultation, drafting the aims, objectives and policies and preparing for submission to Surrey Heath.

If you would like to join the Forum and have a particular interest to bring to the plan such as sustainability, environmental issues, business, retail, transport or heritage, please email our secretary on: or phone on 01252 836664.




The Deepcut Neighbourhood Development Plan will be a statutory document, part of the Surrey Heath Borough Council Local Plan and planning framework and used to determine planning applications within the Deepcut Plan area.


It must comply with the following basic conditions (National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) Planning Guidance para 065)


  • Have regard to the national planning policy and advice
  • Contribute to the achievement of sustainable development 
  • Be in general conformity with strategic policies contained in the development plan for the area of the authority


Consultation Summary Spring 2021

Microsoft Word document [16.6 KB]

Consultation Summary


Over 90% of respondents stated that the Open Spaces, Wildlife, Walking, SANGS and the Canal area as the top good thing about the area. Quiet, low crime aspect was the next top response along with good rail & road links to major towns. The Village Green/Play Area was also a popular response. A significant number of respondents were also positive about friendly residents, a positive community, village feel, Deepcut Café and Milano’s.  



Over 70% of respondents felt that the lack of a supermarket/shop and other amenities was a negative factor. Many commented on the levels and speed of traffic and poor road conditions in the village. The impact of construction works, poor bus service, lack of health GPs and pressure on infrastructure figured highly. Some residents are clearly experiencing anti-social behaviour of varying forms; noise, apparent drug taking, dog fouling and littering. The MOD’s poor care of its estate, including the housing stock and noise from the military area were mentioned frequently.



Echoing responses from Q1, Opens Spaces and access to Green Spaces was identified by over 50% of respondents as the biggest factor in making a neighbourhood a good place to live. Considerate, helpful neighbours; local amenities such as a small supermarket and grocery/butcher/bakery shops; a pub/eating places were also identified by almost 50% of responders also featured highly. A quiet peaceful environment and frequent village events/activities were also classed as positive beneficial elements of a good village. Respondents identified a sense of community; taking pride in the village, a mix of resident ages would be factors in a positive village environment.



Pressure on the infrastructure once the 1,200 homes were built on the old Princess Royal Barracks site; traffic levels in the future and indeed now were also major concerns along with future parking availability. The increase overall in housing units was felt to be a pressure too; indeed, the nature of the village and the retention of green spaces were felt to be at risk due to the level of growth.



The single biggest need was for a small supermarket/village shop, closely followed by better public transport; parking and residents and business demonstrating a sense of pride in the village through better care of public spaces and shop fronts and environs. Speed control, improvements to the condition of DBR and Lake Road; health facilities, community events – and the Pub - were also high on people’s wish list.



The Deepcut Neighbourhood Development Plan has been created to establish a vision for the village and to help deliver the local community's aspirations and needs for the plan period, supported by policies to manage land use and development.


It will be a statutory document, part of the Surrey Heath Borough Council Local Plan and planning framework and used to determine planning applications within the Deepcut Plan area.


It must comply with the following basic conditions (National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) Planning Guidance para 065)

  • Have regard to the national planning policy and advice
  • Contribute to the achievement of sustainable development 
  • Be in general conformity with strategic policies contained in the development plan for the

area of the authority

  • Be compatible with EU regulations
Microsoft Word document [16.6 KB]


The Committee has looked at the Village Consultation from early this year and combined with previous consultations has developed a list of 10 key issues that Village residents and neighbours are most passionate about.


We would like to make sure that the draft plan reflects those priorities and their relative importance to one another.


To do that, we would be most grateful if you could complete a short survey, link below.

Once we have the results, the information will be shared with you all.


Survey closing date:   30 NOVEMBER 2021

Consultation Results - Spring 2021

Village Consultation Spring 2021 Results[...]
Microsoft Excel sheet [34.8 KB]



Village Consultation – 2021

The DEEPCUT NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN seeks to shape and enhance Deepcut and surrounding area and to improve opportunities and quality of life for all and to create a more prosperous local economy.


The DEEPCUT NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN must reflect the aspirations and needs of all those living and working in the village.


Below is another opportunity for local people to comment on their vision for Deepcut to ensure that the Plan currently in development accurately reflects residents and local businesses views.


Please do have your say about your village.

Please see below a word doc so that you can save your changes and send it back to us. Thanks. Please send responses to

We will also be sending it out as a leaflet to all the village.

Village Consultation - 2021.docx
Microsoft Word document [550.3 KB]

Public Consultation

Deepcut Neighbourhood Forum (DNF) committee members were able to secure feedback on 7 September 20016 when they attended the PRB Development Update meeting. Many visitors were kind enough to voice their preferences for a future Deepcut Village or took the questionnaire away to respond further at their leisure.


Preferences at the event in relation to the wider Deepcut Village centred around:

  • Need for traffic calming measures along Deepcut Bridge Road
  • Protecting the ‘green lung’ which runs up from Lake View Road to the golf course
  • Addition of a local gym
  • Protection of the trees throughout the village
  • Need for medical facilities in the village itself
  • Much support for creating a better village centre, access to the church, a local pub
  • Necessity of reducing traffic and improving parking in Deepcut Bridge Road

The Forum welcomes everyone’s views and will be incorporating as many as possible in the Deepcut Neighbourhood Plan being created at the present time.

Please, whether a resident, employed here or a visitor, let us have your ideas and thoughts to help us with the plan so that it truly reflects what we all want for the future of Deepcut Village.



If you have any time to help the committee, any particular skills you may feel would be helpful or news for us, please contact:

If you live, work or play in Deepcut, it’s time to tell us what you want for the future

Deepcut Neighbourhood Forum Consultation:

Please tell us - What do you love about Deepcut?   OR What don’t you like?

We’re preparing a Neighbourhood Plan which is our opportunity for the people who live here now to say how they would like our village to develop over the next five to ten years.

We think we are more or less on the same page as you, but the plan needs to be based on a broad consensus of local opinion, so we’d really like to know what you think. It will shape the new plan.


We’ve set out here what we think the key issues are. Do you agree or not? Let us know:


Print off or down load the questionaire at the end of this page and send it back to us:



Post to: 12 Crofters Close, Deepcut, Camberley, Surrey GU166GH

or just drop us a line if you don't want to fill out the whole questionaire.

Carry on reading to get some ideas of what we should be considering....


The woods and the open green spaces

We’re surrounded by glorious woods and ancient heathland. How should we protect and enhance this fantastic resource? How do you use the open spaces? Would you use them more if they were managed or organised differently? Could we improve what is provided in any way, for example nature trails, children’s recreation areas, improved planting, an off-road cycle track, a woodland education centre? Tell us what you’d do to make these areas even more special….

A heart for our village

Let’s face it, we have no village centre in Deepcut. The new development on the barracks site will have some attributes of a “village green” but part of our job must be to make sure the bits of Deepcut on the west of Deepcut Bridge Road and to the north of the barracks are knitted in to the developments on the barracks site and not neglected. At the least we need a facelift for our existing shops and eating places. But what other features and amenities would you like to see in the centre of our village?  A bigger range of shops? Some community services? What could be improved? What should be added? What do we lack? What do we want?

What services and facilities do we want here?

Now is our chance to say what we want provided in our village. Do we need a doctors’ surgery or a dentist? Do we need a better range of shops? What do young people want round here? If you are more elderly, what local services would be most convenient for you? If you work in Deepcut, what do you want on your doorstep in terms of support services?

Traffic management, parking and transport

We already know a lot about local people’s concerns about traffic and transport in this area, but let’s see if we can have an impact by stating  our clear views in our Neighbourhood Plan. We can’t promise anything because it’s not in our gift, but we can make sure that before new policies on traffic calming or parking are introduced, our preferences are clearly known. We may also be able to influence the developers on the barracks site. So let us know your views on the existing bus service, the traffic congestion, making routes and intersections safer and what we should be doing to improve Deepcut in terms of traffic management and parking.

Business and enterprise development

Have you been in contact with the new Deepcut Business Forum which has already started collecting ideas from local businesspeople? They’ll be very pleased to get your input. We know that about one in ten local residents is self-employed and perhaps working from home, rather than in the few business premises locally. The growth of Deepcut will bring lots of new opportunities. Whether you employ others, or work as a sole-trader, we need to know how you see your business developing and what infrastructure you need in place in order to survive and thrive in this area over the next five to ten years. Tell us the positive changes you want (eg quicker broadband) so we can help to publicise and encourage these positive developments

Protecting the character of our area and the environment

Let’s aim to give this area a big facelift, but let’s also work to protect its character and the local environment for our families and for future generations. How do we ensure the facilities we have are updated whilst campaigning to preserve what is great about our area? The triangle in the middle of this map – that’s us! At the centre of a large heathland teeming with wildlife, a bit of a green lung between the huge settlements of Camberley and Woking on each side. Surrey Heath thinks the environment could be “degraded” in the future. What do you think? How do we set about protecting the landscape character of this area? How do we make sure any new developments actually enhance the village?

What to do now  We need to hear your views. This is how you can let us know what you think:

Pick up a questionnaire in the café, in the Spar, at the village centre, fill it in and return it to us at the address below. OR You can go to our website on  to download and complete our questionnaire, which should be returned to the address given at the top of the page.

OR We will be leafletting your area in the next … weeks. Please respond when you see something come through your letterbox.

OR We will be holding meetings locally over the next three months. Please look out for notices on the website and in public places locally.  We will also be contacting key stakeholders by phone to talk about their plans for the area in the future and how they fit in with residents’ preferences.

Deepcut resident questionnaire-final.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [174.1 KB]
deepcut organisational questionnaire - f[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [54.2 KB]

Please share this information

If you should wish to share any of the above information please feel free. Attached below are two downloadable items in pdf format for you to share with anyone you feel is interested - thank you.

Adobe Acrobat document [408.3 KB]
Deepcut for distribution.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [597.8 KB]

Your views

Adobe Acrobat document [199.9 KB]


Contact us today!

If you need to contact us about an issue with the site or you would like to put forward a contribution please email us at


Or use our contact form.

Website statistics

August 2024

Number of unique visitors 1,406

Number of pages viewed  2,735

Get social with us.


Keep up with what is happening locally with the Mytchett, Frimley Green & Deepcut Society. Find us on Facebook @MytchettFrimleyGreenDeepcutSociety on Twitter @MFGDSociety and with lots more information on our website at  And don’t forget there is also our Noticeboard on Frimley Green village green.

We aim to support our local community in many ways from planting trees to scrutinising planning applications, and from tackling rubbish to protecting our community assets. To support our work - which is all done by local volunteers - costs just £5 per year per household. We think that is pretty good value. Join in and add your £5 now - just visit our website or drop us an email at 


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