Deepcut Neighbourhood Forum
Deepcut Neighbourhood Forum

Newsletter Archive

Flyer for 12th September event.pdf
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Website statistics

January 2025

Number of unique visitors 1,168

Number of pages viewed  2,039

Get social with us.


Keep up with what is happening locally with the Mytchett, Frimley Green & Deepcut Society. Find us on Facebook @MytchettFrimleyGreenDeepcutSociety on Twitter @MFGDSociety and with lots more information on our website at  And don’t forget there is also our Noticeboard on Frimley Green village green.

We aim to support our local community in many ways from planting trees to scrutinising planning applications, and from tackling rubbish to protecting our community assets. To support our work - which is all done by local volunteers - costs just £5 per year per household. We think that is pretty good value. Join in and add your £5 now - just visit our website or drop us an email at 


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