Deepcut Neighbourhood Forum
Deepcut Neighbourhood Forum


Mindenhurst Archaeological Letter 30.08.[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [274.7 KB]

Postal Deliveries Issues

Deepcut Bridge Road Improvment Works Notice

DBR_Notification Letter.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [152.2 KB]

DNF Priorities Survey

Deepcut Village needs YOU!

Why is a Neighbourhood Plan important?

  • A Neighbourhood plan would mean that we would have important influence over future development in Deepcut.
  • It would help protect our green spaces, playing fields, allotments, woodland and recreational facilities.  
  • It would allow us all to have a say on future plans to build further housing on green field sites; the allocation of traveller sites and any other plans that could impact on all our lives.
  • The DNF Committee will update everyone on progress to date and what still needs to be done.
  • Local Councillors will reinforce the need for increased local community engagement.
  • Studio Hive, which is  managing the redevelopment of Princess Royal Barracks (PRB) for Skanska and will explain the impact this will have on the rest of the Deepcut Village.

Since the DNF was officially recognised by the Surrey Heath Borough Council and government bodies, the DNF Committee has been working tirelessly on your behalf.

Now the years of DNF Committee work needs to change to become a “Community Initiative”.

The Deepcut Neighbourhood Plan cannot continue without significant community involvement.

Do you agree with the DNF Committee that the mission is to secure approval for, and

implementation of, a Neighbourhood Plan that protects and enhances Deepcut’s landscape, its village character, and the residents’ quality of life?

We need your help.  A Neighbourhood Plan MUST reflect everyone’s view point.  Without your input, and help, we won’t be able to complete the Plan.

The DNF Committee represents your interests:

The DNF’s vision is to actively improve Deepcut while still retaining our rural village feel and its heath land, woodland and open spaces.  We want to build a vibrant and exciting community spirit with all of us playing an active part in protecting and enjoying, the village’s bio-diversity, wildlife, trees, flora and fauna. Do you support this Vision?

We believe that you want to keep Deepcut separate from the surrounding urban areas.  That you do NOT want to become part of the urban expansion of Camberley – which means protecting and safe-guarding our countryside. But we believe that you DO want to establish closer links with the major towns through the development of sustainable, environmentally friendly, walking and cycling networks and the provision of greater Public Transport.

We want Deepcut to be a great place to live and work – which means our Plan will look at ways to increase business opportunities within our community - including improved home working capabilities.

We want more local essential services including Medical, Educational, and Financial along with the provision of improved recreational and community facilities. In many of these cases this will involve close co-operation with those responsible for the redevelopment of the PRB site.


From The Deepcut Neighbourhood Forum

Windlesham and Camberley Camera Club


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January 2025

Number of unique visitors 1,168

Number of pages viewed  2,039

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Keep up with what is happening locally with the Mytchett, Frimley Green & Deepcut Society. Find us on Facebook @MytchettFrimleyGreenDeepcutSociety on Twitter @MFGDSociety and with lots more information on our website at  And don’t forget there is also our Noticeboard on Frimley Green village green.

We aim to support our local community in many ways from planting trees to scrutinising planning applications, and from tackling rubbish to protecting our community assets. To support our work - which is all done by local volunteers - costs just £5 per year per household. We think that is pretty good value. Join in and add your £5 now - just visit our website or drop us an email at 


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